Feiernde Menschen vor dem fiktiven Johann Strauss Denkmal in Wien

Fest der Freude 2025 (Festival of Joy 2025)

Photo with illuminated stage on which the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is playing, in the foreground the audience
Foto: © Mauthausen Komitee Österreich MKOE Sebastian-Philipp
Photo with illuminated stage on which the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is playing, in the foreground the audience

May 8 is the day of joy over the end of Nazi rule in Europe and is dedicated to the memory of the victims of Nazi persecution and extermination policies.
On this day, the Mauthausen Committee Austria invites people to the "Fest der Freude" on Vienna's Heldenplatz, which has long since become a tradition.

The "Fest der Freude 2025" is dedicated to a specific theme every year. In 2025, the main theme is "80 Years of Liberation from National Socialism - For a Never Again and Peace in Europe". This year's theme not only emphasizes the historical dimension of commemoration, but also calls for the lessons of the past to be kept alive for the present and future.

The highlight of the "Fest der Freude 2025" will be a speech by a contemporary witness.

As every year, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is an integral part of the festival.

The concert will take place whatever the weather.

Admission is free!



1010 Wien

Current Dates

  • Thu. 08 May 2025, 7:30 p.m.