Feiernde Menschen vor dem fiktiven Johann Strauss Denkmal in Wien

Die Berge jubeln - The mountains rejoice!

MuTh - Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben / (c) Fotos: Helmut Karl Lackner 2013

The mountains rejoice! An eclectic program on this theme, including classical music, pop with symphonic sounds, gospel, film music and Christian songs old and new.

All Souls Orchestra from London with musicians from OM Kunst & Kultur in Austria
Andrew Finden, baritone
Marion Traun, Vocals
Christian Bensel, impulses on the theme
Conductor: Michael Andrews

Works by Felix Mendelssohn, Richard Strauss, Howard Shore, Albert Frey, a world premiere with orchestra of Johannes Diem's “Vielgeliebtes Österreich” and originals from the soloist's own pen (“Weites Land”) and the soloist (“Behold the Road to Zion's Hill”).

Current Dates

  • Wed. 26 Feb 2025, 7:30 p.m.