Feiernde Menschen vor dem fiktiven Johann Strauss Denkmal in Wien

What on Earth

MuTh - Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben / (c) Fotos: Helmut Karl Lackner 2013


Plan(et) B? With courage and confidence, the inn.wien collective confronts what is probably life's biggest question: can we save the earth together? Eleven musicians explore possible paths into the future with music for classical string orchestra and contemporary compositions.

inn.wien Ensemble
Xenia Rubin, violin
Emil Geber, violin
Rahel Neyer, violin
Marlene Penninger, violin
Theresa Singer, violin
Fridolin Schöbi, viola
Patrizia Batik, viola
Rahel Rupprechter, violoncello
Marlene Muthspiel, violoncello
Benjamin Lampert, double bass
Sophie Trobos, violin

Conductor: Sophie Trobos

For children from 6 to 12 years

Current Dates

  • Sun. 17 Nov 2024, 11 a.m.
  • Sun. 17 Nov 2024, 3 p.m.
  • Mon. 20 Jan 2025, 7:30 p.m.