Wiener Konzerthaus

Franz Hautzinger • Burkhard Stangl

Veranstaltungssaal Arnold Schönberg Center
Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien. Konzertsaal / (c) Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien
Veranstaltungssaal Arnold Schönberg Center


Franz Hautzinger, Vierteltontrompete, Elektronik
Burkhard Stangl, Gitarren, Elektronik

Schönberg and Pink Floyd – is that really a contradiction? Burkhard Stangl and Franz Hautzinger, whose experience encompasses both jazz as well as improvisation on twelve-tone rows, view this apparent contradiction as a source of inspiration. A particular guitar chord can lead from the world of progressive rock to the sonic spheres of Schönberg’s groundbreaking orchestral pieces, while an atonal motif can appear in a song. The two worlds come together in a yearning for musical discovery. An extraordinary musical journey awaits!

Free admission!
Online reservation required


Arnold Schönberg Center

Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien

Current Dates

  • Fri. 08 Nov 2024, 6:30 p.m.