Feiernde Menschen vor dem fiktiven Johann Strauss Denkmal in Wien


Konzerthaus, Mozart-Saal
(c) Wiener Konzerthaus / Lukas Beck
Konzerthaus, Mozart-Saal

"Mir geht's um die Menschen" - that's the title of the studio album by Viennese rapper Monobrother, released in September 2023. What sounds like a hackneyed political slogan is actually the 37-year-old musician's utopia of a lifelong cabana in the goose pile for everyone. The people he characterizes with a great deal of black humour could all be taken from a Deix collage: They are caricatures of the authoritarian petty bourgeoisie, opportune social functionaries, internet junkies or television philosophers. Monobrother's style is sharp-edged, pointed and always careful to maintain a balance between comedy and doomsday atmosphere. Clear the stage for a spectacular debut!


Vienna Konzerthaus

Lothringerstraße 20
1030 Wien

Current Dates

  • Fri. 25 Apr 2025, 9 p.m.