Wiener Konzerthaus

Reopening of the Theater an der Wien

You can see the interior of the Theater an der Wien with a view of the stage from the side, audience in the rows of seats
© WienTourismus/Paul Bauer
You can see the interior of the Theater an der Wien with a view of the stage from the side, audience in the rows of seats

After building work lasting two and a half years, the curtain rises once again in the Theater an der Wien in October 2024.

The first music to be heard by an audience in the revamped theatre – even before the opening premiere of Mozart’s Idomeneo – is by two composers who have especially close ties to the Theater an der Wien: Ludwig van Beethoven, who lived here for a time while writing Fidelio, first performed his Fantasy for piano, chorus and orchestra in C minor Op. 80 at the Theater an der Wien together with his 5th and 6th symphonies; and the overture to Johann Strauss’ Die Fledermaus exemplifies the importance of operetta in this theatre’s history.

Wiener Symphoniker
Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Petr Popelka, conductor
Mao Fujita, piano


Theater an der Wien

Linke Wienzeile 6
1060 Wien

Tickets & Info

Current Dates

  • Sat. 12 Oct 2024, 11 a.m.