Feiernde Menschen vor dem fiktiven Johann Strauss Denkmal in Wien

Mozart at Table

Außenansicht des Mozarthauses Vienna
(c) Mozarthaus Vienna / David Peters
Außenansicht des Mozarthauses Vienna

The exhibition provides an insight into Mozart's highly private world. The world of food and the associated culture and the related world of his artistic work.
As an artist at home as well as on his travels, he was often invited to dine in aristocratic, imperial, upper and lower middle-class surroundings. At home, he has staff for the kitchen, whether he is eating with his family or in the company of guests.
He visits inns and restaurants of various kinds not only to eat, but also to talk, play and compose. Even for tavern musicians.

Mozart gives the subject of eating and drinking plenty of space in his compositions - especially operas. In his letters, he describes his eating experiences in detail, in which he sees not only food intake, but also a cultural and social experience.


Mozarthaus Vienna

Domgasse 5
1010 Wien

Current Dates

  • Sat. 15 Mar 2025, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Sun. 16 Mar 2025, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.